The Greenville Bar Association is partnering with the Federal Bar Association to educate lawyers to represent human trafficking victims. This CLE will feature attorneys who have experience representing survivors of trafficking in state and federal courts and offer an introduction to the legal issues trafficking victims face both during and outside of criminal prosecution of their traffickers including restitution, expungement and vacatur, victim and witness advocacy, family court matters, and civil law suits.
DATE: June 29, 2017
TIME: 9:00am-12:30pm; 8:40am Registration
LOCATION: Greenville Federal Courthouse, 300 East Washington Street, Greenville, SC
CLE Credits: 3.4
COST: $0
FACULTY: Martina Vandenberg (President, Human Trafficking Pro Bono Legal Center), Jamie Schoen (AUSA, United States Attorney’s Office), A. Katie Reid (MSW, SC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault), Patricia Ravenhorst (Founder & Attorney, Immigrant Victim Program, SC Victim Assistance Network), Elliott Daniels (Attorney, Murphy & Grantland, P.A.), Hannah Rogers Metcalfe (Attorney, Metcalfe & Atkinson LLC)
NOTES: Please contact LAST.SouthCarolina(at)gmail.com with questions. Remember to bring ID and leave cell phones to enter the federal courthouse.
Elliott Daniels is an associate with Murphy & Grantland who concentrates his law practice on civil defense of insurance companies, businesses and individuals in a wide variety of civil matters.