Murphy & Grantland is a proud member of ALFA International, a global network of quality law firms. Through this membership, our attorneys are able both to benefit from and offer unique educational opportunities from within that global legal network.
This week, at ALFA’s 2020 International Client Seminar in Marco Island, Florida, M&G attorney Henry Deneen is conducting a training entitled, “Get Out of Your Own Way – Using Emotional Intelligence to Become a Personal & Professional Success.” Anthony Livoti is a panelist. Deneen’s presentation will include a panel of attorneys, such as Livoti, in-house counsel and business professionals, sharing their experiences and insights on the topic of creating a healthier workplace by attending to the growth of Emotional Intelligence among company employees.

Anthony Livoti is a shareholder of Murphy & Grantland and concentrates his practice in the areas of personal injury defense. As a certified circuit court mediator, much of his practice is also dedicated to alternative dispute resolution and mediations. He has presented numerous continuing legal education seminars on mediation and leadership.

Henry Deneen is a civil defense litigator and also a leader within the South Carolina Bar in the field of emotional intelligence. Henry speaks regularly to groups of attorneys and business professionals.

ALFA International is a global legal network of independent law firms.